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Götze Gruppe
Zittauer Kunststoff GmbH
Dittelsdorfer Strasse 15
D-02763 Zittau

Phone: 03583 518-0
Fax: 03583 518-111
E-Mail: info (at)

directors authorised to represent the company:

Sandra Götze, Ralf Götze

district court: Dresden HRB 693
VAT identification number: DE 811 317 037

responsible for concept and content: Sandra Götze


The content of this site is subject to copyright and other laws protecting intellectual property. The publication, reproduction and use of the data (texts, pictures) requires the approval of ZiK GmbH. Excluded are data whose use is expressly permitted on the websites.


The content of this website has been compiled on the basis of currently available information, and subject to constant monitoring and updating. However, it is no guarantee of timeliness, completeness or correctness of the published data acquired. The ZiK GmbH also reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided. Liability claims against the publisher are excluded.

references and links

By judgment of 12 May 1998 the regional court Hamburg decided that one has to answer by placing a link the contents of the linked pages. This can - so the LG - only be prevented by explicitly distancing oneself from these contents. The ZIK GmbH expressly dissociates itself from the contents of all linked pages including all subpages. We have no influence on the design and content of linked pages. Solely their operators are responsible.

data protection

A part of our Internet presence is the opportunity for the input of personal or business data. The data that you provide us on a voluntary basis will be treated by us in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations, in strict confidence.